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34m Survey Vessel Offshore Surveyor


Length: 34m Survey Vessel MV Offshore Surveyor

Length: 33.8m

Construction: Aluminium

Beam: 10.8m

Draft: 2.7m

Power: 2 x 750hp

Fuel: ~30,000L

Speed: 12kts (max displacement)

#1816 34m Survey Vessel


Designed for Australian surveying operations, this large volume workboat is optimized for fuel efficiency and long range, whilst carrying out coastal and offshore survey operations.


With a working deck area of 140 square metres, a permissible deck loading of 2.5 tonnes per square metre, and a maximum cargo load of just under 100 tonnes, the boat was also designed with a custom built side launch gantry for deployment and retrieval of 9m unmanned surface vessels.

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The vessel is also equipped with a knuckle boom crane, 10 tonne A-frame, moon pool, sonar tubes and dynamic positioning systems.


Accommodation, ablutions, galley, mess etc is provided for 24 persons.

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