01 PRIMARY side fwd

12m Special Forces RIB


Length: 12m RIB Special Forces

Length: 12.5m

Construction: Composite

Beam: ~3.2m

Draft: ~0.7m

Power: 2 x 509 horsepower

Fuel: 1500L

Cruise: ~35kts

Sprint: ~45kts

Range: 400nm

#1227 12m Special Forces RIB


This 12.5m high speed RIB once again brings LOMOcean together with Egypt based Mapso – and highlights the versatility in design and construction the two companies are capable of.


In a high tech first for Mapso and Egypt, the boat was built in female moulded epoxy foam sandwich with E-glass, Carbon Fiber and Kevlar reinforcements.

EFOR RIB 01 976x440 1
EFOR RIB 02 976x440 1 scaled

The vessel has proven rugged and robust, handling the worst the Navy coxswains could throw at the structures during intensive sea trials of the prototype.


Back to back comparisons with established competitors in the market demonstrated superior acceleration, tighter turning radius and significantly improved ability to maintain speed during hard cornering.


Powered by twin Yanmar diesels and propelled by Hamilton Jets for a sprint speed well in excess of 40 knots, the boat is configured to carry 15 troops and is intended for interception, boarding, beach landing and general combat duties.




side aft
side on fast
side on fastB

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