L50PC frames

The Design Process


The design process rests upon the foundation of a briefing document that reflects our client’s requirements, preferences, desires and priorities. In the absence of a client supplied brief, it is normal for LOMOcean to develop the brief over the course of what can be a number of conversations and e-mails. The brief defines what we will design and a good brief results in a smooth design process and a boat that does what it is supposed to do.

Concept Design

The process itself starts with the development of a conceptual design, reflecting in broad terms, the major elements of the brief and usually presented in the form of a General Arrangement drawing, a simple specification and some colour exterior renderings.

The General Arrangement drawings are typically fairly detailed, showing accommodation, machinery, driveline, tankage, steering and elements of the exterior fitout in a series of drawings depicting side profile, inboard profile (longitudinal section on centreline) and then a plan view of each deck level.

The one page specification typically includes major dimensions (length, beam, water and air draft etc), installed power, tankage capacities, estimated range etc.

Colour renders offer a very good understanding of the exterior geometry, styling and general appearance of the proposed new vessel.

With a little supplementary information – predicted weight of aluminium for instance, some shipyards may be comfortable pricing the new build from this concept design package. In other cases, more information is required to accurately price construction.

Preliminary Design

The preliminary design process is intended to generate more detailed information for construction pricing purposes without the expense of the full, detailed design process.

It bridges the information gap between the conceptual design development and the expense of detailed design for production and generally includes a higher level of detail around construction, machinery requirements, interior and exterior fitout etc.

Detailed Design

The final phase of design is usually carried out once a shipyard has been selected and an understanding of the division of design roles is in place. Most shipyards have good inhouse capability for design of plumbing and plant systems, electrical and electronic systems etc – and often, yacht owners have a preferred interior designer in mind. LOMOcean works comfortably alongside other partners in the design process to offer a comprehensive suite of drawings and design information from which the boat can be built.

Typical deliverables include: Styling and exterior geometry, interior and exterior arrangements, machinery, tankage, driveline and steering arrangements, naval architectural analysis (hydrostatics, resistance, stability etc) structural engineering of hull, decks, internals, appendages, shafting, glazing etc, production engineering (NC cut files), exterior fitout (including rigging and sail plan on sail boats) etc.
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D CineCameraActor9 P1 0000
White Fwd Rake 1
2212 Pic 1
1913 pic 1
1803 LOMOcean 35m P5 B
Side Tender V1 scaled
ultimate lady
01 PRIMARY THE BEAST 033 scaled
cover 6
Screenshot 2023 06 19 105918
01 PRIMARY Trimaran 1 scaled
01 PRIMARY 186112341 1402035913529394 5860194280400007500 n
01 PRIMARY 042 scaled
Workboat Catamaran
01 PRIMARY 2021 07 30 12.43.50 cropped PS adjusted e1678666119602
cover 5 scaled
01 PRIMARY photo 817@08 12 2021 06 47 26 e1678665851982
01 PRIMARY 2131 P1 render angle 1 PS processed scaled
01 PRIMARY Guru complete 412 scaled
2104 L52 Fly Render angle 7 scaled
Screenshot 2023 07 20 124422
cover 3 scaled
cover 1 scaled
01 PRIMARY EGYPT 314 scaled
ERCropped poster scaled
01 PRIMARY o 1 scaled e1677530328386
CC220518 416 scaled
01 PRIMARY tatami 328 scaled
01 PRIMARY 20201217 DSC 6598
01 PRIMARY 0413 2a
01 PRIMARY LOMOcean Searo 16m WPC FQ scaled
Screenshot 2023 11 08 114439
01 PRIMARY Side Sea Wolf Exhaust Cleanup scaled
01 PRIMARY 2021 11 05 08.42.19 7
micro mega tuig
01 PRIMARY 2021 04 06 05.24.51 2
01 PRIMARY photo 730@06 12 2021 08 17 23
01 PRIMARY 1812 Gallery pic 1
01 PRIMARY forward profille4
Screenshot 2023 05 30 095135
01 PRIMARY Multi 01 scaled
01 PRIMARY DJI 0069 scaled
01 PRIMARY boat1
01 PRIMARY 1621 gallery pic 1
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01 PRIMARY DSC 5483 scaled
01 PRIMARY ac 001 new scaled
01 PRIMARY DSC 0625 corrected scaled
01 PRIMARY MicroTug 002 976x440 1
01 PRIMARY 1187 22
01 PRIMARY Boat1 1 scaled
01 PRIMARY a outerlimits2
01 PRIMARY IMG 0618 scaled
01 PRIMARY  MG 5862
01 PRIMARY pc 003 new
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01 PRIMARY taxi
01 PRIMARY Rhythym 1b scaled
01 PRIMARY DSC00601 scaled
01 PRIMARY IMG 6331 scaled
01 PRIMARY 2302 2d
01 PRIMARY DSC 0120 scaled
01 PRIMARY DSC 0044 scaled
01 PRIMARY DSC 2347 scaled
01 PRIMARY 16m KB 90 Bow at speed
nsb rib
01 PRIMARY DMS 12m RIB 976x440 1
01 PRIMARY side fwd
01 PRIMARY 2302 3d
01 PRIMARY day fwd low gun scaled
01 PRIMARY 1933 3i
01 PRIMARY anchor 01 e1678673753347
01 PRIMARY Gallery pics 1
01 PRIMARY Netherlands
01 PRIMARY 9MoV 273 scaled
01 PRIMARY T875 water 144 scaled
01 PRIMARY XS8BeamonKite scaled
01 PRIMARY Gallery 10 scaled
01 PRIMARY ma 010 new cd scaled

Contact Us

The best way to contact us is via e-mail and it is normal to receive a response within 24 hours.

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